
Volume 20

Balancing Act: Learning to ‘Harmonize’ Instead of Struggling to ‘Balance’

I am one of those people who had to grow up quickly due to the circumstances I was brought up in. My parents split before I was one year old, and my childhood was not easy. When I was young, I was very talkative and happy until my mother’s boyfriend was tragically murdered. Following this

Balancing Act: Learning to ‘Harmonize’ Instead of Struggling to ‘Balance’ Read More »

His Honor: Paying Homage to the King of our Hearts and Our Home

In the tapestry of family life, fathers play an indispensable role, weaving love, guidance, and protection. Today, we celebrate the fathers who shoulder immense responsibility and strive to be pillars of strength for their loved ones. Let us acknowledge the pressure they face, their emotional struggles, their disciplinary role, and their ability to stay positive

His Honor: Paying Homage to the King of our Hearts and Our Home Read More »