Smoked Beer Can Chicken
Smoked Beer Can Chicken Read More »
Being a single father is something that men don’t set out to be, but sometimes life makes that choice for us. Adversity will make us stronger and more resilient, help us to develop new skills and perceptions, and give us a greater appreciation for what we have. This is something I wasn’t prepared to do
Chronicles of a Single Dad Read More »
In the vast realm of television, there are few characters that capture our hearts as profoundly as the portrayal of the character “Flex Washington” by Flex Alexander, a single father navigating the challenges of parenting to his on-screen daughter, played by Kyla Pratt, on the hit show “One on One.” But what lies beyond the
The ‘Flex’ of a Father Read More »
We want to acknowledge the position of a father- the head of most households and patriarch of the family. We want to say thank you for taking on the reigns of being a father. You are one of the providers for the needs of your family and a breadwinner. Your influence and presence as a
Happy Father’s Day, Strongest of Men! Read More »
One of the most vivid memories I have is when my Father announced to my younger Sister, Brother and I that he and my Mother were getting divorced. At the tender age of 10 I felt a level of sadness that I had never known before in that moment. Dealing with the uncertainty of what
A Father to the Fatherless Read More »
Your health is your superpower. Father’s Day…A day that is not as recognized for the great fathers, as much as it should be. On Mother’s Day, the focus for many is on encouraging “self-care” for the hard working, selfless Moms, which is well deserved. However many overlook the need for fathers to do the same.
The Secrets to Superhuman Read More »
I want to start by saluting all the kings, and all the fathers who take responsibility for leading their family. Simply put, the King of Hearts stands for a powerful king. It might be depicted as a godlike figure or as a father. He reigns over his own distinct kingdom as its crowned head in
Long Live the King Read More »
I am one of those people who had to grow up quickly due to the circumstances I was brought up in. My parents split before I was one year old, and my childhood was not easy. When I was young, I was very talkative and happy until my mother’s boyfriend was tragically murdered. Following this
Balancing Act: Learning to ‘Harmonize’ Instead of Struggling to ‘Balance’ Read More »
In the tapestry of family life, fathers play an indispensable role, weaving love, guidance, and protection. Today, we celebrate the fathers who shoulder immense responsibility and strive to be pillars of strength for their loved ones. Let us acknowledge the pressure they face, their emotional struggles, their disciplinary role, and their ability to stay positive
His Honor: Paying Homage to the King of our Hearts and Our Home Read More »