
volume 13

Fear, Greed, and Gratitude: A new Index to help gauge the market and global economical health.

There are two sentiments that are said to measure the stock market and investment economy: Fear and Greed, often called the Fear and Greed Index. These two emotions tend to lead the market’s rising and falling, as they steer its directions based on people selling out of fear and buying out of greed. Investors can […]

Fear, Greed, and Gratitude: A new Index to help gauge the market and global economical health. Read More »

Learning To Counter A Position of Comparison With A Posture of Gratitude

LESSONS LEARNED FROM MIDDLE SCHOOL Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” and I am just now starting to understand how true that statement really is. Last year, I had the best time of my life. Of course, I am only now realizing that it may have in fact been the happiest

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Mindful Appreciation

Gratitude is one of the most powerful gifts that we can give others and ourselves. When we nurture an attitude of gratitude, we stimulate a positive mindset and ignite the regularity of abundance. The messages that are consistently pushed in our world today continue to fuel the desire for “more”, so intentionally pausing, recognizing, and

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