I’m so thankful that last month I was in a position to accept the revelation and realization of the detriment that comes from saying “yes” to everything and everyone. As we move into November, I’m making it a point to recognize that this month really is NO-vember, where I will intentionally be saying “No” to things that do not positively add to the trajectory of my purpose. I made a lot of mistakes this past year, but rather than despising those mishaps, I am grateful for the lessons learned and the path they set me on: pursuing my purpose and plan.
It is important that we embrace who we are and decisions we have made that have added to where we are right now, even those that may seem to have had a negative affect on our lives. Being thankful and grateful for all that we have encountered, endured, and learned is vital for continued growth.
Developing an attitude of gratitude is one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I believe it will be a game changer for you as well.
So, how can we work on stabilizing an attitude that is formed around gratefulness?
First, embrace what gratitude actually is. Gratitude is defined as the quality of being thankful; a readiness to show appreciation and to return kindness.
Second, internalize the purpose of gratitude. Understand that the advantages of gratitude are almost boundless.
People who regularly express their gratitude by taking the time to notice and think about the things they are grateful for feel more alive, express more compassion, and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems. They also experience more positive emotions, sleep better, have a boosted self-esteem, are more resilient to adversity, are more mindful, are more kind, are more understanding, and feel more alive overall, because they are much more present and focused on living in the moment.
Third, find three qualities of appreciation:
1. Be appreciative of the positive aspects of your life;
2. Express your gratitude to those who have helped you.
3. Acquire new positive habits as a result of engaging with individuals who have been supportive of you.
Remember that appreciation is the highest form of gratitude.