In 2014, I was in a car accident that included my car flipping and catching fire. I was lucky to walk away alive, but I did need physical therapy for over a year. During that time, the only workout that did not put too much pressure on my body, which was still healing, was Pilates using the reformer. It was during this time that I grew to love the workout and have continued practicing since then. In an effort to perfect my practice, I began working with my studio to become certified to teach others the art of Pilates.
I practiced Pilates during my time in physical therapy which contributed greatly to my physical recovery, I practiced throughout my pregnancy which assisted in me having a smooth labor, and I have continued with my practice as I am entering my premenopausal years. This exercise can be enjoyed at all ages and stages. It was common to have men and women in my classes that ranged from age 19 to 80+ years old. It can be adapted to every level of fitness and is truly the most inclusive workout there is. Pilates on the reformer improves posture, improves balance, reduces pain, improves flexibility, reduces injuries, and improves cognitive functioning, motivation, and focus. This workout is used to improve mobility, bone density, and posture in senior citizens, in physical therapy to aid in injury recovery and reduce back pain, and with professional athletes to build core strength and allow for optimal stretching. Pilates is low impact but strengthens the core, teaching which muscles to engage and when. This combination allows anyone with any ability to practice the method and see long lasting results.