Sometimes life transitions offer you the opportunity to explore what your ideal life would look like. When things are in disarray, you can reflect on the hopes and dreams you once had but perhaps forgot about. Take this time to write about them in a journal or talk about them with a trusted friend or therapist. Now is a good time to take advantage of the fork in the road.
Acknowledge the positive side of Life Transitions. They allow us the opportunity to evaluate the direction we are going and provide a chance to learn and grow.
Accept that change is a customary part of life. Adopting this notion can make transitions easier because believing that change is a negative thing often makes people want to avoid it, hindering personal growth.
Distinguish your goals and values. When you know what your ambitions are, you see change and transitions as nothing more than a life challenge on the road to fulfilling your purpose.
Try to recognize and express your feelings. It is typical to try to ignore feelings of worry and fear, but you will overcome them faster if you acknowledge them. Writing them down or processing orally with someone you trust can give those uncomfortable feelings less power.
Concentrate on the rewards. Remember lessons that you have learned from past transitions. Recall the process you went through and the good that came from them. Maybe you discovered more about yourself, overcame fears, learned to face uncertainty, gave yourself a chance at something you wouldn’t have otherwise. You survived them. You can survive oncoming transitions as well.
Slow down. As with any disruption, it takes time to adjust to new things. Expect to feel awkward during an alteration as you get rid of old habits. Don’t rush into taking on new tasks or engaging in new activities too soon.
Remain sober. Do not allow yourself to rely on substances, such as alcohol or drugs (or even junk food) during this challenging time. It can often make the process more problematic.
Do Self-Care. Transitions can be stressful, even happy ones. Make sure you eat healthy, stay fit, and find time to rejuvenate and rest.
Create a village of support. Seek the help of friends and family who love you, encourage you, and won’t judge you. A professional therapist can also guide you through the process of changing in a secure and supportive environment.
Concede what you are parting with. This is important to accepting what is ahead. How do you normally respond to things you have to leave behind? Some people avoid them because they hate to say good-bye; others drag them out because they don’t want to let go, and some rush through them to get it over with. Make sure that you are conscious and aware of what you are leaving so that you can achieve the proper closure.
Preserve consistency. When you face a significant life alteration, it helps to keep as much of routine consistent as possible.
Understand and accept that you may never understand why things happen. Lots of time may be spent feeling confused and afraid, which can be very uncomfortable. Know that the awkwardness and bewilderment will pass, and clarity will return.
Just put one foot in front of the other. Your life may seem overwhelming and unmanageable, but to help redeem your power, find one small thing you can control right now. Then break it down into small, specific steps. Write them down, and post them within eyesight. Cross off each step as you accomplish it. Celebrate the victories.