Overcoming bad habits is very hard, so the first thing we must understand is that we almost never overcome really hard things if we do it for ourselves. If we do, then we become prideful and ultimately undo ourselves. Normally for ourselves, we will do what we think is best for us, without regard for others. Not realizing that if it seems to be best for us and not best for others, then it’s definitely not best for us. However, for God and for others, we are equipped to do more than we ever dreamed possible.
It will also help to know that fighting addiction is like pouring dirty water out of a glass. We are just left with an empty glass, and eventually the dirt will refill the empty glass. The solution is not found in emptying the glass, but in a new source and clean source to fill the glass. If you pour in clean water long enough, the dirty water will be washed away. My mom spent 30 years trying to quit smoking. I watched her quit dozens of times, only to start again. But, she never quit quitting. Then one day (almost 30 years ago) she quit again and never started back. I asked her how she quit, and she said that one day she realized that her smoking habit was filling the house with smoke, and it was not healthy for her children. Because of that, she quit and never started again. So, this time, my mom didn’t quit for herself but for her children; however, in the end, it was also the best possible thing she could do for herself. That’s how love works.
Love never fails, even in a battle with addiction. There are seven things love is, and the seventh thing is perseverance. Don’t fight the addiction; fight to love and love will starve the addiction to death. When you fail or start again, be quick to repent, get back up, and keep going. One thing you can know for sure is that if you ever quit quitting, the addiction will win, but if you keep quitting, one day, you will never start again. Slow and steady wins the race. You didn’t get here overnight, and you may not come out overnight. It is a process. Just commit to take baby steps in the right direction! Pray, and keep praying. Jesus loves you, and so do we. We are praying for you, fervently, and He is with you. You are NOT alone, and you are loved.