
Volume 17

Stay Persistent: Action + Discipline = Consistency

the importance of consistency in achieving long-term success in both personal and professional aspects of life. While practice and consistency are closely related, consistency builds the necessary muscles and pathways for continued success. Consistency also helps build trust and credibility with others, as well as with goal setting and achieving success. The article stresses the need to pay attention to what one consistently does, as it can lead to either positive or negative results. Ultimately, the ability to consistently practice and do things the right way is what determines the direction of one’s life.

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Consistency is essential for achieving success in any aspect of life, including personal life, career, and hobbies. It builds momentum, develops good habits, and helps to establish a routine that makes it easier to stay on track and achieve goals more efficiently. Consistency also earns credibility and trust, creating a positive impression and a strong brand that people can rely on. It develops self-discipline and a sense of commitment to objectives, allowing individuals to avoid distractions and stay focused on their goals. Consistency is a vital ingredient for building the skills, habits, and mindset that will enable long-term success in any area of life.

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Relentless Pursuit

Forward: Hashim and Johnetta LaFond are Boston natives who journeyed to the star-studded land of Hollywood, California in hopes to pursue their dreams in entertainment, while raising a large family -and they are doing exactly that. The recent stars of ABC’s new hit TV Show ,”The Parent Test”, take viewers into their home to show their

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