So, we plan out our title topics for our SHN magazines months in advance, and I have to tell you that this is the one that I have dreaded the most. Why? Because I love talking about topics that I am good at, areas that I have had success in, and subjects where I know that I can add value. This one right here though -Consistency- would have a big, fat “F” next to it for “failure” if it was a category on my report card of life. It is literally the area that I have struggled with since my youth, and until recently, I thought that not knowing how to stay persistent and repeat certain efforts on a daily basis was my reason for not maximizing my fullest potential. However, it is not actually the consistency itself where I am lacking. It is the discipline to maintain the consistency and the lack of structure and planning set in place that sets me up for frequent failures.
Over the course of the last decade, I have watched many people who were once close to me soar in their careers, simply because they were consistent at something specific. One of my previous friends consistently took pretty pictures of herself and posted them on social media. Now she is a multi-millionaire with over 5 million followers and hundreds of brand collaborations. Another friend of mine once slept on my couch for several months while in between jobs, until she ran into someone who showed her how to be persistent in selling insurance,. Not only is she the youngest black woman to rapidly achieve millionaire status in one of the largest leading financial services companies in North America, but she is also the actual face of the company for marketing and branding. A former music artist client of ours moved in with our family for a short period of time because he was displaced as a result of hurricane Katrina and needed a place to stay while pursuing his passion in music. He never once gave up that pursuit, regardless of the challenges, rejections, and frustrations and is now a six-time Grammy nominee with his first Grammy win in 2022 and several hit singles currently charting.
When I first started to see several of my colleagues and acquaintances begin to gain credibility, wealth, and success for what I considered to be “silly things”, like frequently posting eyelashes, habitually telling inappropriate jokes, or repeatedly sharing their food choices, it was easy to hate on them or make judgments -“They are not even that funny”, “no one cares about what you ate for lunch”, “That post is not even that pretty.” But with a slight internal evaluation, I was able to depict the actual cause of my aversion. I was simply disappointed with my own personal inability to be consistent with my own talents and niche. I did not lack intelligence, beauty, skills, creativity, or talent. I simply lacked the discipline to maintain the consistency that it took to actually achieve that level of success.
Consistency is a key factor in achieving success in any area of life. Whether it’s your personal life, career, or hobbies, maintaining a consistent approach towards your goals is critical for reaching them. When you are consistent, you build momentum, develop good habits, and stay motivated towards achieving your objectives. Consistency allows you to establish a routine that makes it easier to stay on track and reach your goals more efficiently.
Consistency also helps you to gain credibility and earn the trust of others. Which can be essential to building and maintaining relationships that can serve you well, both personally and professionally. It is vital that my husband can have the confidence that I will be available for him when needed and that my children can trust that I am constantly dependable. When you show up consistently and deliver results, you demonstrate that you are dependable, reliable, and committed to your goals. This builds a reputation that can be valuable in your personal and professional life. Consistency also helps you to create a positive impression and establish a strong brand that people can rely on in the workplace. People are more Likely to support and invest in individuals or businesses that have a consistent track record of delivering quality results. In addition, consistency helps you to develop discipline and self-control, which are crucial qualities for success. It’s easy to get sidetracked or distracted by other things, but when you are consistent, you learn to stay focused on your goals and avoid distractions. This requires self-discipline and a strong sense of commitment to your objectives. Over time, consistency can become a habit, and you may find it easier to maintain focus and stay motivated toward achieving your goals. Therefore, being consistent is an essential ingredient in building the skills, habits, and mindset that will enable you to achieve long-term success in any area of life.