I have learned throughout life’s experiences that being present looks different for each individual.
Being an entrepreneur, in a fast-paced industry, who’s faith lies solely in Christ, I have come to realize that being present is not necessarily where your body is, but rather where you are both mentally and spiritually.
You can physically exist somewhere, but if you’re stressed, overloaded, full of fear, or overwhelmed, then anxiety has a huge chance of high-jacking your mind and your peace, and as a result, removing you mentally from anything or anyone that may require your actual presence and attention.
In this area, it’s especially common for men to think, “I’m here with you right now; what more do you want from me?” What I would love them to understand is that their bodies may be present, but only as shells, if their minds and hearts are not engaged in the moment.
The Bible enlightens in Matthew 6:21 that wherever your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Life happens, and we ALL have things on our minds, but if your intentions aren’t set on these real-time blessings in the now, then you and your loved ones will be robbed of the gift of YOU. God says, the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy. When hearing that scripture, one may think that it’s primarily referring to tangibles. While they have their place, No! The enemy steals moments, kills dreams, and destroys unity.
We have a responsibility to ourselves to protect precious moments and the valuable relationships that God has given us. If we value ourselves enough to gift ourselves with that, then we can then re-gift it to those we love. Be present in pain; it grows you and gives you character. Be present in joy; God says the joy of the Lord is your strength.
Be present with the gems; God has given you jewels in your spouse, children, and relationships.
Treasure those moments, because we don’t know what tomorrow may bring, and there are many that don’t have a fraction of the blessings that you have.
Remember, God says to let tomorrow worry about itself, so don’t allow today’s cares, rob you of the present of actually being present.