
I Promise “Me”

Staying True to Your Fitness Commitments


When it comes to a fitness journey you have to figure out why you’re going on it in the first place, and determine what your actual goal is. Is it to look a certain way? Is it to feel a certain way? Is it to preform a certain way? Once you have answered these questions, you will find your answer on what you’re looking for out of your fitness journey. Now, the next questions are: Are you going to stick to it, and what is going to keep you on the right path? Making a promise to yourself will help you stay on track. If you can’t keep a promise to yourself, then who can you keep a promise to?


One of my favorite quotes is by Inky Johnson, and it goes like this “Commitment is doing something you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in is gone.” People tend to only commit to something when it feels good, but what happens when that feeling goes away? Do you break your promise to yourself? Do you forget about the commitment you made to yourself? No, you remember why you started and you keep pushing ‘till you fulfill that promise to yourself. Keeping Your Word No Excuses, Just Results It takes consistency to achieve these fitness goals that you set out for yourself to accomplish. You need something or someone to remind you daily why you need to get up and move your body. However, once you get into the habit, it becomes a lifestyle, and you have ultimately fulfilled that promise to yourself. In fitness, as in life, keeping commitments builds character and shapes destinies.


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