In a world where enduring love is a rare gem, Warryn Campbell Sr. and Momma Campbell stand out with nearly 50 years of marital bliss their journey is more than a testament to time; it’s a legacy of love passed down through generations. Their son, the accomplished producer and pastor Warryn Campbell Jr., and his wife, the talented singer-songwriter Erica Campbell, have seamlessly continued this tradition, celebrating 22 years of marriage. This family’s commitment and faithfulness paint a beautiful picture of lasting love, reminding us that true bonds not only withstand the test of time but also become a cherished inheritance for the generations that follow.
Q: What do you believe has been the key to the longevity of your marriage for 49 years?
A: We believe the strong one word, COMMITMENT! The marriage vows were not just part of a script to be performed, but just as described, vows are to remain in sickness and health, richer or poorer, till DEATH DO US PART! This commitment key locked down for us to stand together through good times and bad, hell or high water, and we believe our generation was the original Ride or Die group! As far as our growth, we understood that as in all things, evolution must be allowed and not fought (change happens sometimes kicking and screaming!) We realized that as time progressed that our habits, likes and dislikes changed, and not necessarily on the same page. We, not always smoothly, adapted to the changes and moved forward.
Q: In what ways has your marriage journey influenced your perspectives on love, commitment, and the importance of family in your faith?
A: Love, commitment, and family will be successful and victorious if faith in God is the first, not second tool to be used in our daily lives. After 49 years we can say with certainty, God works!
Q: How do you maintain a sense of romance and connection after almost five decades together, and what do you cherish most about each other in this stage of your marriage?
A: We still actively work on it! We’re determined to make it better than it was at the beginning. We love the excerpt from a popular poem that says, “Grow old with me. The best is yet to be!” I tell her all the time she is still that brown eyed beauty that won my heart! And in many ways, she is better than she was at the beginning of our journey. And she still respects and loves me as I need to be respected and loved.
“He who finds a wife finds a good thing”, but finding is nothing if you let it slip thROugh our fingures.
Q: How has your enduring love and commitment influenced the relationship between your son, Pastor Warryn Campbell Jr., and his wife Erica Campbell, who have also enjoyed a lasting marriage?
A: BY EXAMPLE! I have always taught that if you see me doing it (positive actions) follow that! If not, don’t do it! By witnessing positive actions, the blueprint for marital success was laid bare and obvious.
Q: As role models for your son and his family, how do you ensure that your values and beliefs are passed down to the next generation?
A: Don’t get the big head! Meaning, stick to the biblical principals that work. Joshua 24 simply put it this way: As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! Our service uses only the values and beliefs set down by God!
Q: What advice would you give to couples who aspire to build a lasting and loving marriage like yours, especially in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world?
A: In commitment, truly understand what that means. After the ceremony, cake, food, dancing and fun, now the process of love must show itself in action and deeds not just words! My wife is still my girlfriend, I’m her boyfriend, meaning the love is and should always be fresh! As far as today’s world, I believe I can use this scripture:
Romans 12:2 KJV “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Marriage and relationships have taken quite a beating over the years, but as Romans states, and in the context of the question, we must submit/commit to biblical ideals of marriage/relationships, and as the scripture in the latter part (my words) the proof is in the pudding!