
From the Hurt to the Healing: A Male Perspective on Emotional Healing


Is defined as the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again.  

The process of healing is not only for physical injuries, but healing is needed for emotional and mental trauma as well.  

Until recently, I only focused on healing for my physical injuries and the rare occasions when I was feeling a little under the weather. Like most men, I didn’t acknowledge mental or emotional wounds from my past that I might actually need healing from.  

I started to analyze myself to see if I had unresolved traumas that may have left mental and emotional scars that I need healed because I never dealt with them. I sincerely didn’t realize that you can live with pain for so long that you become numb to that pain, and that’s a dangerous place to be. I also realized that I tricked myself into believing that it’s easier to carry the pain, then it is to go through the healing process to rid of the pain completely. Because the healing can take weeks, months, and even years in many instances, I often chose to skip right over the process and live in the pain as if it never happened in the first place.  

When we do that, it can cause more damage and even have long-term effects.  

I learned this many years ago when I broke my collarbone, and it didn’t heal properly. First, I received the wrong treatment, and second, I rushed the healing process, so the bone never set properly. Because I didn’t get the proper care and didn’t allow myself time to heal when the injury first happened, I now walk around with a deformity that could have been avoided. Now, my only options to fix it is to endure the pain of having it forcefully broken again and reset, and that process will take longer to heal than the original injury would have.  

I now see the value in not resisting or running from emotional or mental pain, but confronting it immediately and allowing the healing process to take its course.  

God is so good and wise, in His infinite wisdom and loving kindness. 1 Corinthians 10:13 God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. That passage lets me know that know matter how bad the pain or trauma, God has already given me the strength to overcome it. 

“Heal Now, Thrive Later; Today’s Healing is Tomorrow’s Joy.” 
