
The 5 Love Languages

The 5 Love Languages

The concept of The 5 Love Languages® was created by author, Gary Chapman, and is quite simple: 


Different people, with different personalities, give and receive love in different ways. 


By learning to recognize these preferences in yourself and in your loved ones, you can learn to identify the root of your conflicts, connect more profoundly, and truly begin to grow closer.


Get ready for an “aha” moment! 


Discovering your own primary love language will help you better understand yourself, as well as teach others how to love you best.


Relationships go two ways. 


Once you discover your love language, share it with your loved ones. Then, ask them to share their results with you, so you can love them better.


Take the LOVE LANGUAGE QUIZ HERE to  determine your own primary and secondary Love Language. 


People grow closer when they choose to consistently speak each other’s love language. For the best understanding of the love languages and dialects, read The 5 Love Languages® book by Gary Chapman. 


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