
Volume 5

Masks Off

On March 23, 2020, Jeff and I armed ourselves with double latex medical gloves, shielded our faces with KN95 masks, and guarded our bodies with thick sweats and hooded sweatshirts. We headed to the battlefield (formerly known as the grocery store) to feed our family and find toilet paper. As dramatic as this sounds, it

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Masks On (Please)” bravely written by a 14 Year Old Girl

Mask mandates are over, and just the thought of this has made teens insecure. Why?  Well, Have you heard of “mask-fishing”? Mask-fishing is when people look good with their masks on, but are considered ugly when they take it off. This is similar to catfishing but instead with a mask. Mask-fishing has made teens insecure

Masks On (Please)” bravely written by a 14 Year Old Girl Read More »