He who loves his wife loves himself. This truth has shaped our relationship over the years. The comfort of a home-cooked meal and the relaxation of a back massage have become a few of my favorite moments, and after nearly 20 years, her desire to cater to me remains unchanged. Why? Serving me is a reflection of the love I show her. One of the most essential lessons I’ve learned as a husband is the blessing of listening to my wife. Truly hearing my wife and understanding her feelings not only deepens our bond but ensures my prayers remain unhindered. It’s the simple things that count: massaging her feet after a long day, driving so she can be the passenger princess, or the inconvenience of pumping gas, which we all wish we can avoid. These acts of service are expressions of my admiration for her. Throughout our time together, she’s been known as a strong woman. My aspiration is to usher her into her soft era.
I want my wife to know that she is loved, admired, appreciated and served. In our life together, service isn’t just a routine—it’s a testament to our mutual respect and shared affection. So if I was to give advice on how to serve one another, I will say this: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Do unto others what you want done unto you. Take a risk in going all out serving your spouse with all you know how. Give of yourself. My prayer is that will start a rhythm of reciprocity in your relationship.