Four years, Fam! Can you believe it? The StrongHome Network is turning four, and if I am being incredibly transparent, most times it just feels like a whirlwind of paperwork, tax filings, relationship building, deal negotiating, juggling job titles, grant writing, damage control, preventative measures, and countless hours of figuring out new things. Seriously, it’s like running a marathon while juggling flaming torches!
Running a nonprofit? It’s like a rollercoaster ride through a tornado. That actually sounds like it could be fun right? –as long as it lacks pain or death! With the nonprofit you’ve got your fun parts like planning events, podcast productions, celebrity features, creating fun content, and energetic strategy sessions with your team. But let’s be real—this isn’t for the faint of heart or anyone who cherishes sleep.
You’ve got to be okay with long hours, sleepless nights, hard work, keeping up with social media, handling pre-production and casting, frustrations, disappointments, rejections, gear shifts, and maybe even a few tears. And through it all, we have to activate our faith in daily practice to trust God every step of the way.
But here’s the payoff: it’s ALL worth it. Every drop of that sweat and those tears. Why? Because of the incredible stories we hear and the lives that we are helping to transform. Just when you think you’re at your breaking point, you get that message that makes it all worth it. Like the wife who had already filed for divorce but tells us that our resources and consistency saved her marriage and helped stop her from going through with it. Or the teenager who confides that our TeenTalk events are the only thing he looks forward to because he feels seen and heard without judgment. Or the recovering addict who finds strength through our podcasts and encouraging words. Or the husband who strategically leaves our monthly magazines on the coffee table, hoping to spark meaningful conversations with his wife without starting an argument.
These stories are what keep us going. Let me give you a life hack that can work on any area where you have found yourself committed to something or to someone; I’ve learned that the key to commitment is consistency. Especially when you’re down to your last ounce of energy and feel like you can’t go on –or simply don’t want to. Consistency is like a magic wand that clears the path, making it easier to keep pushing forward. It’s like hacking through a jungle with a machete; you’re paving the way, so when you’re tired but still have to walk back down that same path, you can coast a bit because the hard work has already been done.
So, let’s be consistent. When you commit to something, put a plan in place and stick to it. Consistency helps you complete tasks, reach goals, and hit those ever-moving destinations. And
remember this one thing that my hubby recently said, the destination is always moving, so there’s always something new to strive for. Keep pushing, keep striving, and keep your eyes on the horizon. We’ve got this, and the journey is just as exciting as the destination! “The Prize Is In The Process!”